PDFs of the following research publications we have produced can be downloaded by clicking on the titles.

IGCC and International Investment

A study was carried out in 2003 to research the potential for Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle plant. The study focussed on areas such as growth in world installed electricity generating capacity, production of petro-chemical products, combined cycle technology and the place of IGCC in the market. Reference was made to the multiple parameters that govern output and efficiency of IGCC, which is a complex technology. Consideration was given to the potential financial conflicts that can arise from a technology that is still maturing.

Engineering Contracting Added Value Analysis as an Aid to Dispute Resolution

In 2004 a research study was completed concerning the use of added value analysis in dispute resolution in the international engineering contracting industry. The study researched added value among a range of engineering and contracting groups, and the particular problems concerning recovery of contributions to overhead and profit lost through owner-caused delays on projects. The study highlighted the relationships between overheads, wage costs, added value, profit and turnover, and developed formulae to estimate overhead recovery, based on added value and wage costs.