Over the years we have provided employment reports for literally several hundred types of occupation, right across the range; including managerial, professional, semi professional, clerical and manual occupations. 

Some of the more unusual cases include managing director, personnel director, fire brigade commander, wing commander, singer, photographer, army intelligence officer, close protection officer, foreign exchange dealer, meals on wheels person, on course race representative, artist blacksmith, mathematician, chief engineer, export clerk, seafarer, fairground attendant, yacht skipper and tunnel miner.

We deal with employed and self-employed persons, and directors and owners of private and public companies. We  can carry out financial investigations and access Companies House records to cross check statements on earnings and employment.

Child Profiling

In cases of young people affected at an early age by catastrophic physical or brain injury, or by injury at birth such as cerebral palsy, we are experienced at preparing family profiles in the absence of pre-injury attributes.